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Journals and Publishings


Context (link is external), a journal from Postgraduate Program in Literature (PPGL), was created by teachers in Letters and Languages Departament (DLL) during the 1980s, and resumed in 1992, in biannual editions, for the purpose of increasing the research, production and publishing from postgraduate teachers and students. It is classified as B-1 in Qualis/Capes.


Fernão (link is external) is a semiannual journal, created in 2018 for the publishing of the activities developed by Core of Studies and Research in Literature from Espírito Santo (Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas da Literatura do Espírito Santo [Neples]), linked to our Postgraduate Program in Literature. It hasn’t yet been classified in Qualis/Capes.


The students’ jornal REEL (link is external) (QUALIS B3) was maintained by the Program until 2014, when its activities were ended.


Since 2013, Federal University of Espírito Santo has an unified platform for its journals, http://periodicos.ufes.br/index (link is external), in which all the editions of the journals are available.




Besides the access to the theses and dissertations whose online publishing was authorized by their authors in PPGL/Ufes’ page and in banks of theses and dissertations from Ufes’ Central Library and in the Catalogue of Dissertations and Theses from Capes, Ufes also provides complete books, events’ annals, journals, term papers, theses and dissertations in www.repositorio.ufes.br (link is external) and in www.periodicos.ufes.br (link is external). PPGL/Ufes, aiming at a wide propagation of its students’ and teachers’ production, provides some of these publishings for download at its website (see links and archives below).



Publishings from Grupo de Pesquisa Literatura e Educação(link is external)

Publishings from Neples – Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas da Literatura do Espírito Santo(link is external)

E-book:  XVI CEL: Marxismo e Modernismo em Época de Literatura Pós-Autônoma (link is external)

Transparência Pública
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© 2013 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Todos os direitos reservados.
Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910

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