With the University's Central Library collection covering its concentration area (Literary Studies) and related fields (including Brazilian Literature, Literary Theory, Foreign Literatures, other Vernacular Literatures, Comparative Literature, Classical Literature, Anthropology, Art, Communication, Education, Philosophy, History, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Sociology, etc.), which holds approximately 65,000 volumes, the Program also has its own Sectorial Library for CCHN Graduate Programs, containing specialized titles in Letters, Linguistics, History, and Social Sciences, currently holding about 30,000 volumes.
The Integrated Library System (SIB/Ufes) includes six units:
Central Library
Technological Sectorial Library
Health Sciences Sectorial Library
Sectorial Library of the North University Center of Espírito Santo (Ceunes)
Agrarian Sciences Sectorial Library
Sectorial Library of the Center for Studies and Dissemination of Technology in Forests, Water Resources, and Sustainable Agriculture (Nedtec)
The SIB/Ufes collection consists of approximately 260,000 copies, comprising 115,000 book titles and 2,500 periodical titles.
The Central Library, a supplementary body directly linked to the Rector’s Office, coordinates the technical procedures of all SIB/Ufes units, ensuring the provision of information for Teaching, Research, Extension, and Administration activities at Ufes. It holds a collection of approximately 190,000 copies, 90,000 book titles, and more than 3,000 dissertations and theses titles.
The SIB/Ufes system is fully computerized, with over 100 internet-connected computers. It actively participates in the Capes Journals Portal, an essential tool for research development, particularly in Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs. In addition to accessing SIB/Ufes facilities, faculty and students can also use the Capes Portal from various teaching units. Furthermore, Ufes researchers can access the Capes Journals Portal from home through the Remote Access Service (SAR), established in 2008 through a partnership between the Office of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG), the Information Technology Center (NTI), and the Central Library.
The SIB/Ufes system is part of the following networks: Pergamum, Bireme, Comut, Bibliodata, Rebap, Rebae, CCN, and Istec.
In 2006, the Ufes Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD/UFES) was established, providing full access to theses and dissertations defended in Ufes Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs. It is integrated with the National BDTD, maintained by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT).
In 2013, the Ufes Institutional Repository was created, currently under development, aiming to document all academic production at Ufes, including books published by the University Press from faculty members affiliated with the institution. A growing collection of works authored by PPGL professors and students is already available at repositó