Publication date: 27/02/2023

Examining board:

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VITOR CEI SANTOS Examinador Interno

Summary: This dissertation aimed to build and execute a literary translation project of the short
story A cartomante, by Machado de Assis, into Libras, which favors an attractive
literary reading for the deaf public. It was characterized as a bibliographic and
applied research, whose main sources were: a) in the first stage, dissertations and
theses who focused on the translation of works of Brazilian literature translated into
Libras and b) the process of recreating the short story A cartomante into Libras in
audiovisual material based on the concepts of cross- cultural translation (SOBRAL,
2019), translation/transcreation (PLAZA) and adaptation (HUTCHEON, 2003). The
methodology of description and analysis of the literary recreation data used the
procedures of commented translation. The results of the analyzes showed that the
recreation of the tale in Libras constituted a translation- adaptation built from various
processes of transformation of verbal signs into visual, performative ones linked to
the aesthetic principles of deaf culture to make it attractive to the deaf reader. We
also found that, in the activity of translation the literary object in Libras, the translator
used strategies for reading the source text, creating mental images from the reading
and materialization of these images and scenes in the physical body, acting as an
actor. Therefore, for a literary translation in Libras, it is essential to know and
appropriate knowledge from the field of scenic studies to create poetic performances
that communicate actions, feelings, emotions, provoking in the reader an aesthetic
experience with the literary body-text.

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