Publication date: 26/07/2023

Examining board:

Namesort descending Role
NILTON DE PAIVA PINTO Examinador Externo
ROBSON LOUREIRO Examinador Interno
VITOR CEI SANTOS Examinador Interno

Summary: This work aims to investigate if the novels Cacau (1933); Jubiaba (1935) and Captains of the
sand (1937) by the writer Jorge Amado can be realists under the theoretical perspective of the
Aesthetic Reflection of Reality, of the Hungarian aesthete Georg Lukács. These novels as known
as “Ciclo da Bahia” were written between two important milestones in the history of Brazil: The
1930 revolution and the decree of the Estado Novo in 1937. At the beginning of the 20th century,
the aristocratic oligarchy was in decline, in the 1930s the rising bourgeoisie took power and the
imminent industrial development stimulated the emergence of the proletariat and, consequently,
the formation of trade union movements influenced by Marxist theories from União Soviética. In
this scenario, a profusion of classes and ideological conflicts emerged, that could enable the
emergence of secular thinking in part of society. Jorge Amado did not remain silent in the face of
such an evident class struggle in his historic moment that was open to class struggle, so he was
conducive to the production of authentically realistic works. Thus, the analysis of the
aforementioned works will consist, under the theoretical perspective of the Aesthetic Reflection
of Reality, of the Hungarian aesthete Georg Lukács. Thus, we will use the Lukacsian method of
analysis of literary works, which starts from the typical characters in dialectical relation with the
universality of the historical context, to investigate whether the works that make up the Bahia
Cycle, studied here, can be considered realistic according to Lukács' aesthetic conception. To
complement the theoretical contribution, we will use the theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels and the research done by Professor Luis Eustáquio Soares. In addition to the theoretical
foundation, we intend to historically contextualize the works of historians such as Nélson Werneck
Sodré, Edgard Carone, Caio Prado Júnior, Clóvis Moura, and Victor Nunes Leal. And, finally, we
will dialogue with several authors of the critical fortune such as: Antônio Cândido, Alfredo Bosi,
Afrânio Coutinho, Eduardo de Assis Duarte, Renard Perez, Alice Raillard, Eduardo Portella,
Geferson Santana, Luiz Gustavo F. Rossi, Miécio Táti, among others.

Keywords: Bahia Cycle; Typical Characters, Universality; Aesthetic Reflection of Reality.

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